Boletus gyoza with caramelized beetroot, mint oil and chili pepper caviaroli
Referencia: 23 Gyoza de boletus Ingredientes: Gyoza de boletus y trompetas Remolacha caramelizada Aceite de hierbabuena caviaroli de guindilla.
confit jowl with potato parmentier and basil oil.
Code: 21769 (pork jowl confit) Code: 18842 (potato parmentier) Ingredients: Exquisitarium pork jowl confit Exquisitarium potato Parmentier. Sweet red pepper Basil oil Basil leaves.
Code: 24022 (Meatballs with tomato) Ingredients: Meatballs with tomato Basil Oil Preparation: We present a very simple dish to make, but in an unusual format. It is a different and
Low temperature rib confit with peas and meat juice reduction
Code: 2175 (Placa de costilla de cerdo) Ingredientes: Slab of pork rib ref:2175 pees Meat juice reduction sauce
Pumpkin cream with black cod fritters
Code: 11022 Pumpkin cream Code: 155 black cod fritters Ingredients: Exquisitarium pumpkin cream. Black cod fritters. Vegetables from de season
Cchicken curry with spaghetti
Code 26602 Ingredients: 1 tray of chicken curry (Chicken thigh cut into thin strips and braised with Thai curry sauce) Spaghetti Dehydrated petals.
Curried Chicken with Rice Waffle
Code: 26602 Ingredients: Sushi rice Exquisitarium chicken curry Fresco coliander Sriracha sauce We wash the rice well and cook it for 15 minutes putting a third more water than its
Chili con carne with rice and padron peppers
Code: 27292 (chili con carne) Code: 18739 (padrón peppers) Ingredients: – Chili con carne Exquisitarium – Rice – Eggs – Padrón peppersExquisitarium –
Reference; 27292 Ingredients: Chili con carne Exquisitarium Potatoes Mozzarella cheese Jalapenos Cheddar sauce Without the need to defrost beforehand, we pierce the top of the chil
What “pulled” refers to: This refers to meat that has been cooked slowly over low heat for a long period of time; it needs to cook for 7-8 hours or more until it becomes