Your kitchen in good hands
Our Philosophy
At Exquisitarium we are committed to promoting sustainable economic development, working with our employees, their families, the local community and society in general to improve living conditions.
Featured Products
Responsibility, quality, highest quality ingredients and processes, food safety, optimisation and sustainability are our top priorities and part of our day-to-day operations. These are the traits that define our company philosophy.
Pig’s trotters Roll
Ingredients: Exquisitarium Reference: 4305 Pig’s Trotters Roll Pig’s trotters Roll Caramelized onions Muscat sauce Preparation We cut the pig’s trotter roll into
Pulled beef tail puff pastry
Ingredients: Exquisitarium Reference: 27402 Pulled beef tail. Puff pastry Pulled beef tail Vegetables: pepper, arugula and leek Fruits: tangerines, strawberries Mild mustard sauce